Joseph Robinson 2ce5b11b1a [User Guides] Rename Admin-Guide-Cloud to Admin-Guide
This patch changes the name of the Admin-Guide from the Cloud
Admin Guide to the Administrator guide. This affects the
filename in the repository, and references to cloud administrators
within the document texts.

1.) Changing instances of 'cloud administrator'
    to 'administrator'.

2.) Change links from '/admin-guide-cloud/' to
    '/admin-guide/' within the Admin Guide.

3.) Adjust .htaccess file.

Change-Id: I7f21a710e922981aa295afc0616de36fd819b523
Implements: blueprint user-guides-reorganised
2016-04-01 19:50:13 +09:00

10 KiB

Manage Networking service quotas

A quota limits the number of available resources. A default quota might be enforced for all tenants. When you try to create more resources than the quota allows, an error occurs:

$ neutron net-create test_net
 Quota exceeded for resources: ['network']

Per-tenant quota configuration is also supported by the quota extension API. See cfg_quotas_per_tenant for details.

Basic quota configuration

In the Networking default quota mechanism, all tenants have the same quota values, such as the number of resources that a tenant can create.

The quota value is defined in the OpenStack Networking neutron.conf configuration file. To disable quotas for a specific resource, such as network, subnet, or port, remove a corresponding item from quota_items. This example shows the default quota values:

# resource name(s) that are supported in quota features
quota_items = network,subnet,port

# number of networks allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_network = 10

# number of subnets allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_subnet = 10

# number of ports allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_port = 50

# default driver to use for quota checks
quota_driver = neutron.quota.ConfDriver

OpenStack Networking also supports quotas for L3 resources: router and floating IP. Add these lines to the quotas section in the neutron.conf file:

# number of routers allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_router = 10

# number of floating IPs allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_floatingip = 50


The quota_items option does not affect these quotas.

OpenStack Networking also supports quotas for security group resources: number of security groups and the number of rules for each security group. Add these lines to the quotas section in the neutron.conf file:

# number of security groups per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_security_group = 10

# number of security rules allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_security_group_rule = 100


The quota_items option does not affect these quotas.

Configure per-tenant quotas

OpenStack Networking also supports per-tenant quota limit by quota extension API.

Use these commands to manage per-tenant quotas:

neutron quota-delete

Delete defined quotas for a specified tenant

neutron quota-list

Lists defined quotas for all tenants

neutron quota-show

Shows quotas for a specified tenant

neutron quota-update

Updates quotas for a specified tenant

Only users with the admin role can change a quota value. By default, the default set of quotas are enforced for all tenants, so no quota-create command exists.

  1. Configure Networking to show per-tenant quotas

    Set the quota_driver option in the neutron.conf file.

    quota_driver = neutron.db.quota_db.DbQuotaDriver

    When you set this option, the output for Networking commands shows quotas.

  2. List Networking extensions.

    To list the Networking extensions, run this command:

    $ neutron ext-list -c alias -c name

    The command shows the quotas extension, which provides per-tenant quota management support.

    | alias           | name                     |
    | agent_scheduler | Agent Schedulers         |
    | security-group  | security-group           |
    | binding         | Port Binding             |
    | quotas          | Quota management support |
    | agent           | agent                    |
    | provider        | Provider Network         |
    | router          | Neutron L3 Router        |
    | lbaas           | LoadBalancing service    |
    | extraroute      | Neutron Extra Route      |
  3. Show information for the quotas extension.

    To show information for the quotas extension, run this command:

    $ neutron ext-show quotas
    | Field       | Value                                                      |
    | alias       | quotas                                                     |
    | description | Expose functions for quotas management per tenant          |
    | links       |                                                            |
    | name        | Quota management support                                   |
    | namespace   | |
    | updated     | 2012-07-29T10:00:00-00:00                                  |


    Only some plug-ins support per-tenant quotas. Specifically, Open vSwitch, Linux Bridge, and VMware NSX support them, but new versions of other plug-ins might bring additional functionality. See the documentation for each plug-in.

  4. List tenants who have per-tenant quota support.

    The quota-list command lists tenants for which the per-tenant quota is enabled. The command does not list tenants with default quota support. You must be an administrative user to run this command:

    $ neutron quota-list
    | floatingip | network | port | router | subnet | tenant_id                        |
    |         20 |       5 |   20 |     10 |      5 | 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 |
    |         25 |      10 |   30 |     10 |     10 | bff5c9455ee24231b5bc713c1b96d422 |
  5. Show per-tenant quota values.

    The quota-show command reports the current set of quota limits for the specified tenant. Non-administrative users can run this command without the --tenant_id parameter. If per-tenant quota limits are not enabled for the tenant, the command shows the default set of quotas.

    $ neutron quota-show --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
    | Field      | Value |
    | floatingip | 20    |
    | network    | 5     |
    | port       | 20    |
    | router     | 10    |
    | subnet     | 5     |

    The following command shows the command output for a non-administrative user.

    $ neutron quota-show
    | Field      | Value |
    | floatingip | 20    |
    | network    | 5     |
    | port       | 20    |
    | router     | 10    |
    | subnet     | 5     |
  6. Update quota values for a specified tenant.

    Use the quota-update command to update a quota for a specified tenant.

    $ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 --network 5
    | Field      | Value |
    | floatingip | 50    |
    | network    | 5     |
    | port       | 50    |
    | router     | 10    |
    | subnet     | 10    |

    You can update quotas for multiple resources through one command.

    $ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 --subnet 5 --port 20
    | Field      | Value |
    | floatingip | 50    |
    | network    | 5     |
    | port       | 20    |
    | router     | 10    |
    | subnet     | 5     |

    To update the limits for an L3 resource such as, router or floating IP, you must define new values for the quotas after the -- directive.

    This example updates the limit of the number of floating IPs for the specified tenant.

    $ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 --floatingip 20
    | Field      | Value |
    | floatingip | 20    |
    | network    | 5     |
    | port       | 20    |
    | router     | 10    |
    | subnet     | 5     |

    You can update the limits of multiple resources by including L2 resources and L3 resource through one command:

    $ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
    --network 3 --subnet 3 --port 3 --floatingip 3 --router 3
    | Field      | Value |
    | floatingip | 3     |
    | network    | 3     |
    | port       | 3     |
    | router     | 3     |
    | subnet     | 3     |
  7. Delete per-tenant quota values.

    To clear per-tenant quota limits, use the quota-delete command.

    $ neutron quota-delete --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
     Deleted quota: 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723

    After you run this command, you can see that quota values for the tenant are reset to the default values.

    $ neutron quota-show --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
    | Field      | Value |
    | floatingip | 50    |
    | network    | 10    |
    | port       | 50    |
    | router     | 10    |
    | subnet     | 10    |