Witek Bedyk 8da8397dad Update oslo.metrics spec
Clarify on exposition format and information schema as well as fixing

Change-Id: Ia777b889f608ad03c522def0b9faed45fb3d5f92
2020-03-26 13:20:22 +01:00

6.7 KiB

Proposed new library oslo.metrics

This is a proposal to create a new library to collect metrics of oslo libraries.

Proposed library mission

The mission of oslo.metrics is exposing internal metrics information of oslo libraries. OpenStack processes create a connection to other middleware using oslo library, e.g. oslo.messaging to connect another OpenStack process and oslo.db to connect DB. The oslo.messaging creates its own RPC protocol over the connection to RabbitMQ, which is a default messaging middleware in OpenStack project. The usage of RabbitMQ can be monitored by RabbitMQ management tool, but the usage of oslo.messaging's RPC can't be monitored. Enabling OpenStack admin and operator to monitor usage of oslo libraries is the goal of oslo.metrics.

The oslo.metrics supports metrics of the oslo.messaging's RPC as first goal. The metrics information of the RPC doesn't appear anywhere. For example, when a user calls the Create New Instance API to Nova, there is no infomation about how many RPC calls are made, which RPC targets are used, and etc. And for another case, if operator adds 10 compute nodes to their OpenStack cluster, how may RPC will be increased, and etc.

Consuming projects

There are two type of consumers. One is the OpenStack services, which use oslo.messaging as its internal communication. Another is Monitoring systems, which consume the metrics exposed by the oslo.metrics.

Alternatives library

If oslo.messaging exposes its metrics, the notification feature of oslo.messaging can be a one of alternatives. However, the notification is also implemented over the RabbitMQ. It makes cross reference in the metrics so it's not good idea to do.

The rpc_monitor is also another alternatives. This library focuses on collecting oslo.messaging metrics, and exposes its metrics to Prometheus. The rpc_monitor has not been developed long time. And the oslo.metrics will support multi type of monitoring system as an official library. So it's difficult to use the rpc_monitor itself. However, the goal of rpc_monitor is similar to the oslo.metrics's first goal. When implementing the oslo.metrics the Prometheus support, it's better to consult the rpc_monitor's implementation.

Proposed adoption model/plan

The basic architecture is the oslo.metrics works as metrics data serializer for outside system. The existing oslo libraries send original metrics information through a unix socket, then the oslo.metrics gathers the metrics information and exposes the data.

The oslo.metrics listens to unix sockets to receive metrics data from each of the OpenStack processes. The reason oslo.metrics uses the socket is to collect messaging metrics information from multiple processes which runs on the same node. One metrics process represents one node or one OpenStack project.

The consumer of oslo.metrics, e.g. oslo.messaging, needs to send its metrics information to the unix socket. The olso.messaging sends its metric data to the socket as well as the actual RPC request to another oslo.messaging server. The metrics data sending feature is configured by a new flag in oslo.messaging library.

If we have a control server, then both Neutron-Server and Nova-API running in the controller would share their metrics to one unix socket which can get data from other OpenStack processes as well. The Unix Socket running in one Node would handle all OpenStack processes of that node

The oslo.messaging sends the RPC information one by one to oslo.metrics with oslo.metrics's format. All information sent by oslo.messaging are put together into one metrics data in oslo.metrics. Then oslo.metrics exposes the one data to any monitoring system.

The monitoring system is really depending on operator. So oslo.metrics exposes the data by common format. The de facto standard is the Prometheus exposition format. We decide to use this format and expose the metrics on the HTTP endpoint. It allows integration with most monitoring systems, like e.g. Prometheus or Monasca.

The data oslo.messaging sends to the oslo.metrics includes but is not limited to:

  • topic
  • namespace
  • version
  • server
  • fanout
  • timeout
  • type of call: call or cast
  • timestamp of the call
  • project_id

Hostname are added by oslo.metrics side.


The actual information schema is WIP and can be changed during the implementation.

+--------------+        +--------------+     +-------------+
|              |        |              |     | any         |
|oslo.messaging+--------> oslo.metrics <-----> monitoring  |
|              |        |              |     | system      |
+--------------+        +--------------+     +-------------+
               unix socket

Security Concerns

The metrics information exposed by the oslo.metrics may have the sensitive information, which should be isolated from normal user. The oslo.metrics is an admin tool and it's expected to work inside of isolated internal network. The isolated network usually has another security protection from normal user's access. Because of that security protection this sensitive information is not exposed to a normal user or end user of cloud.

Reviewer activity

For the changes in oslo.messaging, the support from oslo.messaging core is needed. For the oslo.metrics, the member of Large Scale SIG could review the patches.

Performance Impact

The oslo.metrics requests oslo.messaing to send another information. This may cause a performance impact to the RPC request. After implementing first spec, this library should be tested how much the additional information sending cause performance impact.



Primary authors:

Masahito Muroi (masahito-muroi)

Other contributors:

<launchpad-id or None>

Work Items

  • Create a new library named oslo.metrics
    • The implementation includes unit tests and functional tests as well as its codes
  • Change oslo.messaging to support metrics sending
  • Investigation of performance impact of oslo.messaging RPC


Revision History

Release Name Description
Ussuri Introduced


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