Joshua Harlow 0f3942f1b3 Add automaton adoption
Change-Id: Ic791d14b00503c4eaa26f8e83f8197f62a135436
2015-05-04 17:35:21 -07:00

5.2 KiB

Creating/adopting automaton


The goal of this library would be to provide a well documented state machine classes/utilities that start off with the a basic set and can expand into a larger set as time goes on. The state machine pattern (or the implemented variation there-of) is a commonly used pattern and has a multitude of various usages.

Some of the current usages for it (that are being actively pursued):

  • Provided state & transition validation for ironic.
  • Providing state & transition validation & running/scheduling/analysis of the execution of taskflow engines.

The code for this library was extracted from taskflow and has been copied into ironic and appears to be a key part of that projects states work where it is now serving a useful purpose there; so I would consider the API mostly stable (ironic is not currently using the FSM runner properties while taskflow would be/is). The code/mini-library was recently split off into https://github.com/harlowja/automaton where it has been developed and isolated (the tests extracted for example, a setup.py added and pbr integrated...) and it has travis-ci running against it for testing integration (this would no longer be needed as the openstackci serves a similar/equivalent purpose).

Library Name



  • automaton/__init__.py
  • automaton/exceptions.py
  • automaton/machines.py
    • This is the main file that contains a finite state machine and a hierarchical state machine and associated run classes that can be used to run the state machines until they terminate; this usage of these runners is optional and is not necessary to use the machines for state and transition processing and/or validation.

For those wondering what a hierarchical state machine is the following can be referred to about it (the concepts are similar to what is described in the following slide-set).

Early Adopters

  • Taskflow
  • Ironic
  • Others?

Public API

Currently the machine public API is the following:

    - runner (read-only property)
    - default_start_state (read/write property)
    - current_state (read-only property)
    - terminated (read-only property)
    - add_state(state, terminal=False, on_enter=None, on_exit=None)
    - add_reaction(state, event, reaction, *args, **kwargs)
    - add_transition(start, end, event)
    - process_event(event) -- main function/method!!
    - initialize(start_state=None)
    - copy(shallow=False, unfreeze=False)
    - freeze()
    - frozen (read/write property)
    - states (read-only property)
    - events (read-only property)
    - pformat(sort=True, empty='.')

    - runner (read-only property)
    - add_state(state, terminal=False,
                on_enter=None, on_exit=None, machine=None)

The runners of each state machine have the following public API:

  • run(event, initialize=True)
  • run_iter(event, initialize=True)

Further API documentation (that is likely more readable and better commented) can be found at:


Or from the live taskflow docs (that are using a slightly older version of the machines, minus a couple API adjustments; nothing major changed though):




Primary assignee:

  • Harlowja

Other contributors:

  • You?

Primary maintainer

Primary maintainer:

  • Harlowja (until further notice).

Other contributors:

  • Praneshp (@yahoo)
  • You?

Security Contact

Security Contact: harlowja


Target Milestone for completion: liberty-1

Work Items

  • Create launchpad project
  • Change owner of Launchpad project (make it part of the Oslo projectgroup)
  • Give openstackci Owner permissions on PyPI
  • Create Initial Repository
  • Make the library do something
  • Update the README.rst
  • Publish git repo
  • Oslo team review new repository
  • Infra project configuration
  • Update Gerrit Groups and ACLs
  • openstack-infra/devstack-gate adjustments
  • openstack/requirements projects.txt adjustments
  • Update project list on docs.openstack.org
  • Tag a release
  • Profit!

Adoption Notes




  • python 2.6 --> 3.4 (and beyond!)
  • ordereddict (only needed on python 2.6)
  • pbr
  • prettytable
  • six


All of the currently planned dependencies are in the requirements repository.




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode