Saksham Varma bfb33bfe31 N1Kv:Adding params for IPv6 communication with VSM
Adding ability to configure IPv6 control address of VSM,
in the n1kv.conf file, to enable N1kv VEM to talk to VSM
over IPv6

Change-Id: Iac92569ec19a879091111f78474aebb83292999d
2015-07-06 16:38:20 -07:00

185 lines
5.3 KiB

# This is the N1KV VEM configuration file.
# <n1kv.conf> file contains all the configuration parameters for VEM operation.
# Please find below a brief explanation of these parameters and their meaning.
# Optional Parameters and Default Values of parameters are explicitly stated.
# Note:
# a)Mandatory parameters are needed for proper VEM operation.
# N1KV DP/DPA should start even if these are not specified.
# But there will be functional impact. For eg: in VSM connectivity
# b)For any updates to parameters to take effect, you just need to execute
# 'vemcmd reread config'. Its the least-disruptive way for changes to
# take effect. However for certain params, n1kv service need to be restarted.
# These parameter are stated explictly (restart_on_modify: YES).
# TAG: switch-domain
# Description:
# Optional: No
# Default: 1000
# restart_on_modify: No
switch-domain <%= @n1kv_vsm_domain_id %>
# TAG: l3control-ipaddr
# Description: IP Address of VSM Mgmt I/F
# Optional: No
# Default:
# restart_on_modify: No
l3control-ipaddr <%= @n1kv_vsm_ip %>
# TAG: l3control-ipv6addr
# Description: IPv6 Address of VSM Mgmt I/F
# Optional: No
# Default: ::1
# restart_on_modify: No
l3control-ipv6addr <%= @n1kv_vsm_ipv6 %>
# Set svs-mode to V6 if IPv6 address for VSM
# is set to something other than default ::1.
# This tells VEM to communicate with VSM on
# IPv6 instead of the default IPv4 option
<% if @n1kv_vsm_ipv6 != '::1' -%>
svs-mode V6
<% end -%>
# TAG: host-mgmt-intf
# Description: Management interface of the Host
# Optional: No (on N1KV, we need this
# for Host Identification on VSM).
# Default: lo
# restart_on_modify: Yes
host-mgmt-intf <%= @host_mgmt_intf %>
#<Port-Profile Mapping>
# Description: Port-Profile mapping for all VEM managed Interfaces.
# Optional: Yes
# restart_on_modify: No
# Note: Do not specify Host Management Interface here.
# We do yet support System Ports (Ports which need to be up all time: Post Reboot/VEM Upgrade).
# Format for physical ports:
# phys <port-name> profile <profile-name>
#phys eth1 profile sys-uplink
#phys eth2 profile uplink2
<% @uplink_profile.each do |port, profile| -%>
phys <%= port%> profile <%= profile%>
<% end -%>
# Format for non-vm virt ports. For instance: VTEP ports.
# virt <port-name> profile <profile-name> [mode static|dhcp] [address <ipaddr>]
# [netmask <netmask ip>] [mac <macaddr>]
# [] -->indicates optional parameters.
#virt vtep3 profile profint mode dhcp
#virt vtep1 profile profint mode dhcp mac 00:11:22:33:44:55
#virt vtep2 profile profint mode static address netmask
#virt vtep2 profile profint mode static address netmask mac 00:22:22:33:44:55
<% @vtep_config.each do |port, params| -%>
<% if params['ipmode'] == 'dhcp' -%>
virt <%= port%> profile <%= params['profile']%> mode dhcp
<% else-%>
virt <%= port%> profile <%= params['profile']%> mode static address <%= params['ipaddress']%> netmask <%= params['netmask']%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
# TAG: uvem-ovs-brname
# Description: Default Open VSwitch Bridge Name
# Optional: YES.
# Default: n1kvdvs
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format:
# uvem-ovs-brname n1kvdvs
uvem-ovs-brname br-int
# TAG: portdb
# Description: PortDB (ovs|vem)
# Optional: YES.
# Default: ovs
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format:
# portdb vem
portdb <%= @portdb %>
# TAG: node-type
# Description: Type of Node: 'compute' (or) 'neutron'
# Optional: YES.
# Default: compute
# restart_on_modify: No
# Format:
# node-type compute
node-type <%= @node_type %>
# The below parameters are not commonly modified.
# Description: System Port Profiles.
# Optional: Yes (If there are no System Interfaces: Mgmt I/F etc)
# restart_on_modify: No
#Trunk Profile Format
#profile <name> trunk <vlan>
#profile <name> native-vlan <vlan>
#profile <name> mtu <mtu-size>
#Access Profile
#profile <name> access <vlan>
#profile <name> mtu <mtu-size>
# TAG: dp-np-threads
# Description: Number of datapath threads to process normal priority packets
# Optional: YES
# Default: 4
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format: dp-np-threads <1..32>
# TAG: dp-lp-threads
# Description: Number of datapath threads to process low priority packets
# Optional: YES
# Default: 1
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format: dp-lp-threads <1..32>
# TAG: dp-hp-threads
# Description: Number of datapath threads to process high priority packets
# Optional: YES
# Default: 1
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format: dp-hp-threads <1..32>
# TAG: dp-thread-sockets
# Description: Number of packet sockets each datapath thread creates
# Optional: YES
# Default: 1
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format: dp-thread-sockets <1..16>
# TAG: dp-thread-socket-rbuflen
# Description: Receive buffer length of each packet socket
# Optional: YES
# Default: 8 MBytes
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format: dp-thread-socket-rbuflen <0..255>
# Note: 0 - use system default
# TAG: dp-thread-socket-rrnglen
# Description: Rx-ring length of each packet socket
# Optional: YES
# Default: 4096
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format: dp-thread-socket-rrnglen <0..16384>
# Note: 0 - disables memory map I/O
# TAG: fastpath-flood
# Description: Enable flood of broadcast and unknown pkts in KLM
# Optional: YES
# Default: disable
# restart_on_modify: Yes
# Format: fastpath-flood <enable|disable>
fastpath-flood <%= @fastpath_flood %>