This commit refactors the keystone examples file so that it is easier to consume from the openstack_dev_env for testing. Instead of keeping swift examples in this top level testing project: instead, it imports the example manifest from this modules: # manifests/site.pp import '/etc/puppet/modules-0/swift/examples/site.pp' This is intended to solve two problems: 1. previously, the example code was ported to this project, this caused the example code that ships with each module to get out of date (since testing is only performed on the dev_env) 2. prevents me from having to maintain multiple examples. There are a few things that had to be refactored for this to work: 1. example needed to be updated to use hiera so that the dev_env can override variables and control the config of swift through the dev env. 2. keystone role changed to swift-keystone example needed to be updated
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This module provides a way to install and configure Swift storage clusters using puppet. The classes documented in this file will deploy Swift using best practices for a typical deployment.
Both single host and clustered configurations are supported.
Tested Environments
- Ubuntu 12.04; puppet 2.7.16; Swift 1.4.8
This module uses exported resources to manage Swift rings, so you will need to have storeconfigs enabled for this module to work. See:
Also, since the module includes custom types and providers, make sure that pluginsync is enabled in master and agent configurations:
root@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
pluginsync = true
class that sets up base packages and the base /etc/swift/swift.conf.
class { 'swift':
# shared salt used when hashing ring mappings
swift_hash_suffix => 'shared_secret',
class that installs and configures the swift proxy server
class { 'swift::proxy':
# specifies that account should be automatically created
# this should be set to true when tempauth is used
account_autocreate = true,
proxy_local_net_ip = $ipaddress_eth1,
#proxy_port = '11211',
# auth type defaults to tempauth - this is the
# only auth that has been tested
#auth_type = 'tempauth',
class that sets up all of the configuration and dependencies for swift storage server instances
class { 'swift::storage':
# address that swift should bind to
storage_local_net_ip => $ipaddress_eth1,
devices => '/srv/node'
Defined resource type that can be used to create a swift storage server instance. In general, you do not need to explicity specify your server instances (as the swift::storage::class will create them for you)
This will configure an rsync server instance and swift storage instance to manage the all devices in the devices directory.
# the title for this server and the port where it
# will be hosted
swift::storage::server { '6010':
# the type of device (account/object/container)
type => 'object',
# directory where device is mounted
devices => '/srv/node',
# address to bind to
storage_local_net_ip => ''
This defined resource was created to test swift by creating loopback devices that can be used for testing
It creates a partition of size [$seek] at base_dir/[$name] using dd with [$byte_size], formats it to be an xfs filesystem which is mounted at [$mnt_base_dir]/[$name]
It then creates swift::storage::devices for each device type using the title as the 3rd digit of a four digit port number :60[digit][role] (object = 0, container = 1, account = 2)
swift::storage::loopback { '1':
base_dir => '/srv/loopback-device',
mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node',
byte_size => '1024',
seek => '25000',
storage_local_net_ip => ''
class that knows how to build rings.
Creates the initial rings, collects any exported resources, and rebalances the ring if it is updated.
class { 'swift::ringbuilder':
part_power => '18',
replicas => '3',
min_part_hours => '1',
For an example of how to use this module to build out a single node swift cluster, you can have a look at examples/all.pp
This example can be used as follows:
puppet apply examples/all.pp # swift specific roles
For an example of how to use this module to build out a multi node swift cluster, you can have a look at examples/site.pp. This file assumes you have a puppetmaster with storeconfigs enabled.
NOTE: this example file uses hiera to set the configurable data values. Hiera should work by default with Puppet 3.0.
Hiera is initiated by the calls to hiera at the beginning of the example file. Feel free to comment out these lines and use the commented out regular variable assigments if you do not feel like setting up hiera on Puppet < 3.0.
Please note that if you create fewer than 3 storage nodes, you will need to edit
the replicas
parameter of the swift::ringbuilder instance in the proxy node
Once your puppetmaster is configured, you can provision your nodes with:
puppet agent -t --certname my_role
Verifying installation
This module also comes with a simple Ruby script that validates rather or not your swift cluster is functional.
The script can be run as:
ruby files/swift_tester.rb