Doug Hellmann 9599ffe65d reorganize existing documentation according to the new standard layout
Move existing content around based on the doc-migration specification.

Replace :doc: markup with :ref: to have sphinx keep track of where the
files move and generate valid hyperlinks.

Add a few toctrees and index pages for the new directories.

Depends-On: Ia750cb049c0f53a234ea70ce1f2bbbb7a2aa9454
Change-Id: I253ee8f89d3ec40e39310c18bb87ed1d3d5de330
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <>
2017-06-23 11:54:32 +02:00

7.6 KiB

1absolute-limitslimits show --absoluteLists absolute limits for a user.
2availability-zone-listavailability zone list --volumeLists all availability zones.
3backup-createvolume backup createCreates a volume backup.
4backup-deletevolume backup deleteRemoves a backup.
5backup-exportvolume backup exportExport backup metadata record.
6backup-importvolume backup importImport backup metadata record.
7backup-listvolume backup listLists all backups.
8backup-reset-statevolume backup set --stateExplicitly updates the backup state.
9backup-restorevolume backup restoreRestores a backup.
10backup-showvolume backup showShow backup details.
11cgsnapshot-createconsistency group snapshot createCreates a cgsnapshot.
12cgsnapshot-deleteconsistency group snapshot deleteRemoves one or more cgsnapshots.
13cgsnapshot-listconsistency group snapshot listLists all cgsnapshots.
14cgsnapshot-showconsistency group snapshot showShows cgsnapshot details.
15consisgroup-createconsistency group createCreates a consistency group.
16consisgroup-create-from-srcconsistency group create --consistency-group-snapshotCreates a consistency group from a cgsnapshot or a source CG
17consisgroup-deleteconsistency group deleteRemoves one or more consistency groups.
18consisgroup-listconsistency group listLists all consistencygroups.
19consisgroup-showconsistency group showShows details of a consistency group.
20consisgroup-updateconsistency group setUpdates a consistencygroup.
21createvolume createCreates a volume.
22credentialsWONTFIXShows user credentials returned from auth.
23deletevolume deleteRemoves one or more volumes.
24encryption-type-createvolume type create --encryption-provider --enc..Creates encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
25encryption-type-deletevolume type deleteDeletes encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
26encryption-type-listvolume type list --encryption-typeShows encryption type details for volume types. Admin only.
27encryption-type-showvolume type list --encryption-showShows encryption type details for volume type. Admin only.
28encryption-type-updatevolume type set --encryption-provider --enc..Update encryption type information for a volume type (Admin Only).
29endpointscatalog listDiscovers endpoints registered by authentication service.
30extendvolume set --sizeAttempts to extend size of an existing volume.
31extra-specs-listvolume type list --longLists current volume types and extra specs.
32failover-hostvolume host failoverFailover a replicating cinder-volume host.
33force-deletevolume delete --forceAttempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state.
34freeze-hostvolume host set --disableFreeze and disable the specified cinder-volume host.
35get-capabilitiesShow backend volume stats and properties. Admin only.
36get-poolsShow pool information for backends. Admin only.
37image-metadatavolume set --image-propertySets or deletes volume image metadata.
38image-metadata-showvolume showShows volume image metadata.
39listvolume listLists all volumes.
40managevolume create --remote-source k=vManage an existing volume.
41metadatavolume set --property k=v / volume unset --property kSets or deletes volume metadata.
42metadata-showvolume showShows volume metadata.
43metadata-update-allvolume set --property k=vUpdates volume metadata.
44migratevolume migrate --host --force-copy --lock-volume <volume>Migrates volume to a new host.
45qos-associatevolume qos associateAssociates qos specs with specified volume type.
46qos-createvolume qos createCreates a qos specs.
47qos-deletevolume qos deleteDeletes a specified qos specs.
48qos-disassociatevolume qos disassociateDisassociates qos specs from specified volume type.
49qos-disassociate-allvolume qos disassociate --allDisassociates qos specs from all associations.
50qos-get-associationvolume qos showGets all associations for specified qos specs.
51qos-keyvolume qos set --property k=v / volume qos unset --property kSets or unsets specifications for a qos spec
52qos-listvolume qos listLists qos specs.
53qos-showvolume qos showShows a specified qos specs.
54quota-class-showquota show --classLists quotas for a quota class.
55quota-class-updatequota set --classUpdates quotas for a quota class.
56quota-defaultsquota show --defaultLists default quotas for a tenant.
57quota-deleteDelete the quotas for a tenant.
58quota-showquota showLists quotas for a tenant.
59quota-updatequota setUpdates quotas for a tenant.
60quota-usageLists quota usage for a tenant.
61rate-limitslimits show --rateLists rate limits for a user.
62readonly-mode-updatevolume set --read-only-mode | --read-write-modeUpdates volume read-only access-mode flag.
63renamevolume set --nameRenames a volume.
64replication-promoteWONTFIXPromote a secondary volume to primary for a relationship
65replication-reenableWONTFIXSync the secondary volume with primary for a relationship
66reset-statevolume set --stateExplicitly updates the volume state.
67retypevolume type set --typeChanges the volume type for a volume.
68service-disablevolume service set --disableDisables the service.
69service-enablevolume service set --enableEnables the service.
70service-listvolume service listLists all services. Filter by host and service binary.
71set-bootablevolume set --bootable / --not-bootableUpdate bootable status of a volume.
72showvolume showShows volume details.
73snapshot-createsnapshot createCreates a snapshot.
74snapshot-deletesnapshot deleteRemove one or more snapshots.
75snapshot-listsnapshot listLists all snapshots.
76snapshot-managevolume snapshot create --remote-source <key=value>Manage an existing snapshot.
77snapshot-metadatasnapshot set --property k=v / snapshot unset --property kSets or deletes snapshot metadata.
78snapshot-metadata-showsnapshot showShows snapshot metadata.
79snapshot-metadata-update-allsnapshot set --property k=vUpdates snapshot metadata.
80snapshot-renamesnapshot set --nameRenames a snapshot.
81snapshot-reset-statesnapshot set --stateExplicitly updates the snapshot state.
82snapshot-showsnapshot showShows snapshot details.
83snapshot-unmanagevolume snapshot delete --remoteStop managing a snapshot.
84thaw-hostvolume host set --enableThaw and enable the specified cinder-volume host.
85transfer-acceptvolume transfer acceptAccepts a volume transfer.
86transfer-createvolume transfer createCreates a volume transfer.
87transfer-deletevolume transfer deleteUndoes a transfer.
88transfer-listvolume transfer listLists all transfers.
89transfer-showvolume transfer showShow transfer details.
90type-access-addvolume type set --projectAdds volume type access for the given project.
91type-access-listvolume type showPrint access information about the given volume type.
92type-access-removevolume type unset --projectRemoves volume type access for the given project.
93type-createvolume type createCreates a volume type.
94type-defaultvolume type list --defaultList the default volume type.
95type-deletevolume type deleteDeletes a specified volume type.
96type-keyvolume type set --property k=v / volume type unset --property kSets or unsets extra_spec for a volume type.
97type-listvolume type listLists available 'volume types'.
98type-showvolume type showShow volume type details.
99type-updatevolume type setUpdates volume type name, description, and/or is_public.
100unmanagevolume delete --remoteStop managing a volume.
101upload-to-imageimage create --volumeUploads volume to Image Service as an image.
102bash-completioncompletePrints arguments for bash_completion.
103helphelpShows help about this program or one of its subcommands.
104list-extensionsextension list --volumeLists all available os-api extensions.