Doug Hellmann 20b2f1f0c0 reorganize docs using the new standard layout
Move the docs around a little to allow the new templated docs.o.o site
link to things like the user and install guides in the expected location.

Change-Id: I7f3b625c04aa6cd2a7ebe5f2ce4a398cf464b1cc
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <>
2017-06-30 10:07:41 -04:00

812 lines
21 KiB

Multi-Cloud Demo
This document contains a presentation in `presentty`_ format. If you want to
walk through it like a presentation, install `presentty` and run:
.. code:: bash
presentty doc/source/user/multi-cloud-demo.rst
The content is hopefully helpful even if it's not being narrated, so it's being
included in the `shade` docs.
.. _presentty:
Using Multiple OpenStack Clouds Easily with Shade
Who am I?
Monty Taylor
* OpenStack Infra Core
* irc: mordred
* twitter: @e_monty
What are we going to talk about?
* a task and end-user oriented Python library
* abstracts deployment differences
* designed for multi-cloud
* simple to use
* massive scale
* optional advanced features to handle 20k servers a day
* Initial logic/design extracted from nodepool
* Librified to re-use in Ansible
shade is Free Software
* #openstack-shade on freenode
This talk is Free Software, too
* Written for presentty (
* doc/source/multi-cloud-demo.rst
* examples in doc/source/examples
* Paths subject to change- this is the first presentation in tree!
Complete Example
.. code:: python
import shade
# Initialize and turn on debug logging
for cloud_name, region_name in [
('my-vexxhost', 'ca-ymq-1'),
('my-citycloud', 'Buf1'),
('my-internap', 'ams01')]:
# Initialize cloud
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud=cloud_name, region_name=region_name)
# Upload an image to the cloud
image = cloud.create_image(
'devuan-jessie', filename='devuan-jessie.qcow2', wait=True)
# Find a flavor with at least 512M of RAM
flavor = cloud.get_flavor_by_ram(512)
# Boot a server, wait for it to boot, and then do whatever is needed
# to get a public ip for it.
'my-server', image=image, flavor=flavor, wait=True, auto_ip=True)
Let's Take a Few Steps Back
Multi-cloud is easy, but you need to know a few things.
* Terminology
* Config
* Shade API
Cloud Terminology
Let's define a few terms, so that we can use them with ease:
* `cloud` - logically related collection of services
* `region` - completely independent subset of a given cloud
* `patron` - human who has an account
* `user` - account on a cloud
* `project` - logical collection of cloud resources
* `domain` - collection of users and projects
Cloud Terminology Relationships
* A `cloud` has one or more `regions`
* A `patron` has one or more `users`
* A `patron` has one or more `projects`
* A `cloud` has one or more `domains`
* In a `cloud` with one `domain` it is named "default"
* Each `patron` may have their own `domain`
* Each `user` is in one `domain`
* Each `project` is in one `domain`
* A `user` has one or more `roles` on one or more `projects`
HTTP Sessions
* HTTP interactions are authenticated via keystone
* Authenticating returns a `token`
* An authenticated HTTP Session is shared across a `region`
Cloud Regions
A `cloud region` is the basic unit of REST interaction.
* A `cloud` has a `service catalog`
* The `service catalog` is returned in the `token`
* The `service catalog` lists `endpoint` for each `service` in each `region`
* A `region` is completely autonomous
Users, Projects and Domains
In clouds with multiple domains, project and user names are
only unique within a region.
* Names require `domain` information for uniqueness. IDs do not.
* Providing `domain` information when not needed is fine.
* `project_name` requires `project_domain_name` or `project_domain_id`
* `project_id` does not
* `username` requires `user_domain_name` or `user_domain_id`
* `user_id` does not
Confused Yet?
Don't worry - you don't have to deal with most of that.
Auth per cloud, select per region
In general, the thing you need to know is:
* Configure authentication per `cloud`
* Select config to use by `cloud` and `region`
Information about the clouds you want to connect to is stored in a file
called `clouds.yaml`.
`clouds.yaml` can be in your homedir: `~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml`
or system-wide: `/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml`.
Information in your homedir, if it exists, takes precedence.
Full docs on `clouds.yaml` are at
What about Mac and Windows?
`USER_CONFIG_DIR` is different on Linux, OSX and Windows.
* Linux: `~/.config/openstack`
* OSX: `~/Library/Application Support/openstack`
* Windows: `C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\OpenStack\\openstack`
`SITE_CONFIG_DIR` is different on Linux, OSX and Windows.
* Linux: `/etc/openstack`
* OSX: `/Library/Application Support/openstack`
* Windows: `C:\\ProgramData\\OpenStack\\openstack`
Config Terminology
For multi-cloud, think of two types:
* `profile` - Facts about the `cloud` that are true for everyone
* `cloud` - Information specific to a given `user`
Apologies for the use of `cloud` twice.
Environment Variables and Simple Usage
* Environment variables starting with `OS_` go into a cloud called `envvars`
* If you only have one cloud, you don't have to specify it
* `OS_CLOUD` and `OS_REGION_NAME` are default values for
`cloud` and `region_name`
basic clouds.yaml for the example code
Simple example of a clouds.yaml
* Config for a named `cloud` "my-citycloud"
* Reference a well-known "named" profile: `citycloud`
* `os-client-config` has a built-in list of profiles at
* Vendor profiles contain various advanced config
* `cloud` name can match `profile` name (using different names for clarity)
.. code:: yaml
profile: citycloud
username: mordred
project_id: 65222a4d09ea4c68934fa1028c77f394
user_domain_id: d0919bd5e8d74e49adf0e145807ffc38
project_domain_id: d0919bd5e8d74e49adf0e145807ffc38
Where's the password?
* Optional additional file just like `clouds.yaml`
* Values overlaid on `clouds.yaml`
* Useful if you want to protect secrets more stringently
Example secure.yaml
* No, my password isn't XXXXXXXX
* `cloud` name should match `clouds.yaml`
* Optional - I actually keep mine in my `clouds.yaml`
.. code:: yaml
password: XXXXXXXX
more clouds.yaml
More information can be provided.
* Use v3 of the `identity` API - even if others are present
* Use `` for `image` API
instead of what's in the catalog
.. code:: yaml
identity_api_version: 3
profile: vexxhost
user_domain_id: default
project_domain_id: default
project_name: d8af8a8f-a573-48e6-898a-af333b970a2d
username: 0b8c435b-cc4d-4e05-8a47-a2ada0539af1
Much more complex clouds.yaml example
* Not using a profile - all settings included
* In the `ams01` `region` there are two networks with undiscoverable qualities
* Each one are labeled here so choices can be made
* Any of the settings can be specific to a `region` if needed
* `region` settings override `cloud` settings
* `cloud` does not support `floating-ips`
.. code:: yaml
username: api-55f9a00fb2619
project_name: inap-17037
identity_api_version: 3
floating_ip_source: None
- name: ams01
- name: inap-17037-WAN1654
routes_externally: true
default_interface: true
- name: inap-17037-LAN3631
routes_externally: false
Complete Example Again
.. code:: python
import shade
# Initialize and turn on debug logging
for cloud_name, region_name in [
('my-vexxhost', 'ca-ymq-1'),
('my-citycloud', 'Buf1'),
('my-internap', 'ams01')]:
# Initialize cloud
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud=cloud_name, region_name=region_name)
# Upload an image to the cloud
image = cloud.create_image(
'devuan-jessie', filename='devuan-jessie.qcow2', wait=True)
# Find a flavor with at least 512M of RAM
flavor = cloud.get_flavor_by_ram(512)
# Boot a server, wait for it to boot, and then do whatever is needed
# to get a public ip for it.
'my-server', image=image, flavor=flavor, wait=True, auto_ip=True)
Step By Step
Import the library
.. code:: python
import shade
* `shade` uses standard python logging
* Special `shade.request_ids` logger for API request IDs
* `simple_logging` does easy defaults
* Squelches some meaningless warnings
* `debug`
* Logs shade loggers at debug level
* Includes `shade.request_ids` debug logging
* `http_debug` Implies `debug`, turns on HTTP tracing
.. code:: python
# Initialize and turn on debug logging
Example with Debug Logging
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(
cloud='my-vexxhost', region_name='ca-ymq-1')
cloud.get_image('Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS [2017-03-03]')
Example with HTTP Debug Logging
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(
cloud='my-vexxhost', region_name='ca-ymq-1')
cloud.get_image('Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS [2017-03-03]')
Cloud Regions
* `cloud` constructor needs `cloud` and `region_name`
* `shade.openstack_cloud` is a helper factory function
.. code:: python
for cloud_name, region_name in [
('my-vexxhost', 'ca-ymq-1'),
('my-citycloud', 'Buf1'),
('my-internap', 'ams01')]:
# Initialize cloud
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud=cloud_name, region_name=region_name)
Upload an Image
* Picks the correct upload mechanism
* **SUGGESTION** Always upload your own base images
.. code:: python
# Upload an image to the cloud
image = cloud.create_image(
'devuan-jessie', filename='devuan-jessie.qcow2', wait=True)
Always Upload an Image
Ok. You don't have to. But, for multi-cloud...
* Images with same content are named different on different clouds
* Images with same name on different clouds can have different content
* Upload your own to all clouds, both problems go away
* Download from OS vendor or build with `diskimage-builder`
Find a flavor
* Flavors are all named differently on clouds
* Flavors can be found via RAM
* `get_flavor_by_ram` finds the smallest matching flavor
.. code:: python
# Find a flavor with at least 512M of RAM
flavor = cloud.get_flavor_by_ram(512)
Create a server
* my-vexxhost
* Boot server
* Wait for `status==ACTIVE`
* my-internap
* Boot server on network `inap-17037-WAN1654`
* Wait for `status==ACTIVE`
* my-citycloud
* Boot server
* Wait for `status==ACTIVE`
* Find the `port` for the `fixed_ip` for `server`
* Create `floating-ip` on that `port`
* Wait for `floating-ip` to attach
.. code:: python
# Boot a server, wait for it to boot, and then do whatever is needed
# to get a public ip for it.
'my-server', image=image, flavor=flavor, wait=True, auto_ip=True)
Wow. We didn't even deploy Wordpress!
Image and Flavor by Name or ID
* Pass string to image/flavor
* Image/Flavor will be found by name or ID
* Common pattern
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
# Initialize and turn on debug logging
for cloud_name, region_name, image, flavor in [
('my-vexxhost', 'ca-ymq-1',
'Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS [2017-03-03]', 'v1-standard-4'),
('my-citycloud', 'Buf1',
'Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus', '4C-4GB-100GB'),
('my-internap', 'ams01',
'Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)', 'A1.4')]:
# Initialize cloud
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud=cloud_name, region_name=region_name)
# Boot a server, wait for it to boot, and then do whatever is needed
# to get a public ip for it.
server = cloud.create_server(
'my-server', image=image, flavor=flavor, wait=True, auto_ip=True)
# Delete it - this is a demo
cloud.delete_server(server, wait=True, delete_ips=True)
cloud.pprint method was just added this morning
Delete Servers
* `delete_ips` Delete any `floating_ips` the server may have
.. code:: python
cloud.delete_server('my-server', wait=True, delete_ips=True)
Image and Flavor by Dict
* Pass dict to image/flavor
* If you know if the value is Name or ID
* Common pattern
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
# Initialize and turn on debug logging
for cloud_name, region_name, image, flavor_id in [
('my-vexxhost', 'ca-ymq-1', 'Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS [2017-03-03]',
('my-citycloud', 'Buf1', 'Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus',
('my-internap', 'ams01', 'Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)',
# Initialize cloud
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud=cloud_name, region_name=region_name)
# Boot a server, wait for it to boot, and then do whatever is needed
# to get a public ip for it.
server = cloud.create_server(
'my-server', image=image, flavor=dict(id=flavor_id),
wait=True, auto_ip=True)
# Delete it - this is a demo
cloud.delete_server(server, wait=True, delete_ips=True)
Munch Objects
* Behave like a dict and an object
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='zetta', region_name='no-osl1')
image = cloud.get_image('Ubuntu 14.04 (AMD64) [Local Storage]')
API Organized by Logical Resource
* list_servers
* search_servers
* get_server
* create_server
* delete_server
* update_server
For other things, it's still {verb}_{noun}
* attach_volume
* wait_for_server
* add_auto_ip
Cleanup Script
* Sometimes my examples had bugs
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
# Initialize and turn on debug logging
for cloud_name, region_name in [
('my-vexxhost', 'ca-ymq-1'),
('my-citycloud', 'Buf1'),
('my-internap', 'ams01')]:
# Initialize cloud
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud=cloud_name, region_name=region_name)
for server in cloud.search_servers('my-server'):
cloud.delete_server(server, wait=True, delete_ips=True)
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='fuga', region_name='cystack')
image = cloud.get_image(
'Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - Xenial Xerus - 64-bit - Fuga Cloud Based Image')
Strict Normalized Results
* Return only the declared model
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(
cloud='fuga', region_name='cystack', strict=True)
image = cloud.get_image(
'Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - Xenial Xerus - 64-bit - Fuga Cloud Based Image')
How Did I Find the Image Name for the Last Example?
* I often make stupid little utility scripts
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='fuga', region_name='cystack')
image for image in cloud.list_images()
if 'ubuntu' in])
Added / Modified Information
* Servers need more extra help
* Fetch addresses dict from neutron
* Figure out which IPs are good
* `detailed` - defaults to True, add everything
* `bare` - no extra calls - don't even fix broken things
* `bare` is still normalized
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='my-citycloud', region_name='Buf1')
server = cloud.create_server(
'my-server', image='Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus',
wait=True, auto_ip=True)
print("\n\nFull Server\n\n")
print("\n\nTurn Detailed Off\n\n")
cloud.pprint(cloud.get_server('my-server', detailed=False))
print("\n\nBare Server\n\n")
cloud.pprint(cloud.get_server('my-server', bare=True))
# Delete it - this is a demo
cloud.delete_server(server, wait=True, delete_ips=True)
* All shade exceptions are subclasses of `OpenStackCloudException`
* Direct REST calls throw `OpenStackCloudHTTPError`
* `OpenStackCloudHTTPError` subclasses `OpenStackCloudException`
and `requests.exceptions.HTTPError`
* `OpenStackCloudURINotFound` for 404
* `OpenStackCloudBadRequest` for 400
User Agent Info
* Set `app_name` and `app_version` for User Agents
* (sssh ... `region_name` is optional if the cloud has one region)
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(
cloud='datacentred', app_name='AmazingApp', app_version='1.0')
Uploading Large Objects
* swift has a maximum object size
* Large Objects are uploaded specially
* shade figures this out and does it
* multi-threaded
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='ovh', region_name='SBG1')
container='my-container', name='my-object',
cloud.delete_object('my-container', 'my-object')
Uploading Large Objects
* Default max_file_size is 5G
* This is a conference demo
* Let's force a segment_size
* One MILLION bytes
* doc/source/examples/
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='ovh', region_name='SBG1')
container='my-container', name='my-object',
cloud.delete_object('my-container', 'my-object')
Service Conditionals
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='kiss', region_name='region1')
Service Conditional Overrides
* Sometimes clouds are weird and figuring that out won't work
.. code:: python
import shade
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud(cloud='rax', region_name='DFW')
.. code:: yaml
profile: rackspace
username: mordred
project_id: 245018
# This is already in profile: rackspace
has_network: false
Coming Soon
* Completion of RESTification
* Full version discovery support
* Multi-cloud facade layer
* Microversion support (talk tomorrow)
* Completion of caching tier (talk tomorrow)
* All of you helping hacking on shade!!! (we're friendly)