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Instructions for a Multiple Server Swift Installation (Ubuntu)
- Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS installation media
Basic architecture and terms
- node - a host machine running one or more Swift services
- Proxy node - node that runs Proxy services; can also run Swauth
- Auth node - node that runs the Auth service; only required for DevAuth
- Storage node - node that runs Account, Container, and Object services
- ring - a set of mappings of Swift data to physical devices
This document shows a cluster using the following types of nodes:
- one Proxy node
- Runs the swift-proxy-server processes which proxy requests to the appropriate Storage nodes. For Swauth, the proxy server will also contain the Swauth service as WSGI middleware.
- one Auth node
- Runs the swift-auth-server which controls authentication and authorization for all requests. This can be on the same node as a Proxy node. This is only required for DevAuth.
- five Storage nodes
- Runs the swift-account-server, swift-container-server, and swift-object-server processes which control storage of the account databases, the container databases, as well as the actual stored objects.
Fewer Storage nodes can be used initially, but a minimum of 5 is recommended for a production cluster.
This document describes each Storage node as a separate zone in the
ring. It is recommended to have a minimum of 5 zones. A zone is a group
of nodes that is as isolated as possible from other nodes (separate
servers, network, power, even geography). The ring guarantees that every
replica is stored in a separate zone. For more information about the
ring and zones, see: The Rings <overview_ring>
To increase reliability, you may want to add additional Proxy servers
for performance which is described in add-proxy-server
Network Setup Notes
This document refers to two networks. An external network for connecting to the Proxy server, and a storage network that is not accessibile from outside the cluster, to which all of the nodes are connected. All of the Swift services, as well as the rsync daemon on the Storage nodes are configured to listen on their STORAGE_LOCAL_NET IP addresses.
Run all commands as the root user
General OS configuration and partitioning for each node
Install the baseline Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS on all nodes.
Install common Swift software prereqs:
apt-get install python-software-properties add-apt-repository ppa:swift-core/ppa apt-get update apt-get install swift openssh-server
Create and populate configuration directories:
mkdir -p /etc/swift chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift/
On the first node only, create /etc/swift/swift.conf:
cat >/etc/swift/swift.conf <<EOF [swift-hash] # random unique string that can never change (DO NOT LOSE) swift_hash_path_suffix = `od -t x8 -N 8 -A n </dev/random` EOF
On the second and subsequent nodes: Copy that file over. It must be the same on every node in the cluster!:
scp firstnode.example.com:/etc/swift/swift.conf /etc/swift/
Publish the local network IP address for use by scripts found later in this documentation:
The random string of text in /etc/swift/swift.conf is used as a salt when hashing to determine mappings in the ring.
Configure the Proxy node
It is assumed that all commands are run as the root user
Install swift-proxy service:
apt-get install swift-proxy memcached
Create self-signed cert for SSL:
cd /etc/swift openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out cert.crt -keyout cert.key
If you don't create the cert files, Swift silently uses http internally rather than https. This document assumes that you have created these certs, so if you're following along step-by-step, create them.
Modify memcached to listen on the default interfaces. Preferably this should be on a local, non-public network. Edit the IP address in /etc/memcached.conf, for example:
perl -pi -e "s/-l $PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP/" /etc/memcached.conf
Restart the memcached server:
service memcached restart
Create /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf:
cat >/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf <<EOF [DEFAULT] cert_file = /etc/swift/cert.crt key_file = /etc/swift/cert.key bind_port = 8080 workers = 8 user = swift # For non-local Auth server ip = $AUTH_LOCAL_NET_IP [pipeline:main] # For DevAuth: pipeline = healthcheck cache auth proxy-server # For Swauth: # pipeline = healthcheck cache swauth proxy-server [app:proxy-server] use = egg:swift#proxy allow_account_management = true # Only needed for DevAuth [filter:auth] use = egg:swift#auth ssl = true # Only needed for Swauth [filter:swauth] use = egg:swift#swauth default_swift_cluster = local#https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/v1 # Highly recommended to change this key to something else! super_admin_key = swauthkey [filter:healthcheck] use = egg:swift#healthcheck [filter:cache] use = egg:swift#memcache memcache_servers = <PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP>:11211 EOF
If you run multiple memcache servers, put the multiple IP:port listings in the [filter:cache] section of the proxy-server.conf file like:, Only the proxy server uses memcache.
Create the account, container and object rings:
cd /etc/swift swift-ring-builder account.builder create 18 3 1 swift-ring-builder container.builder create 18 3 1 swift-ring-builder object.builder create 18 3 1
For more information on building rings, see
.For every storage device in /srv/node on each node add entries to each ring:
export ZONE= # set the zone number for that storage device export STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP= # and the IP address export WEIGHT=100 # relative weight (higher for bigger/faster disks) export DEVICE=sdb1 swift-ring-builder account.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6002/$DEVICE $WEIGHT swift-ring-builder container.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6001/$DEVICE $WEIGHT swift-ring-builder object.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6000/$DEVICE $WEIGHT
Assuming there are 5 zones with 1 node per zone, ZONE should start at 1 and increment by one for each additional node.
Verify the ring contents for each ring:
swift-ring-builder account.builder swift-ring-builder container.builder swift-ring-builder object.builder
Rebalance the rings:
swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance
Rebalancing rings can take some time.
Copy the account.ring.gz, container.ring.gz, and object.ring.gz files to each of the Proxy and Storage nodes in /etc/swift.
Make sure all the config files are owned by the swift user:
chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift
Start Proxy services:
swift-init proxy start
Configure the Auth node
Only required for DevAuth; you can skip this section for Swauth.
If this node is not running on the same node as a proxy, create a self-signed cert as you did for the Proxy node
Install swift-auth service:
apt-get install swift-auth
Create /etc/swift/auth-server.conf:
cat >/etc/swift/auth-server.conf <<EOF [DEFAULT] cert_file = /etc/swift/cert.crt key_file = /etc/swift/cert.key user = swift [pipeline:main] pipeline = auth-server [app:auth-server] use = egg:swift#auth default_cluster_url = https://<PROXY_HOSTNAME>:8080/v1 # Highly recommended to change this key to something else! super_admin_key = devauth EOF
Start Auth services:
swift-init auth start chown swift:swift /etc/swift/auth.db swift-init auth restart # 1.1.0 workaround because swift creates auth.db owned as root
Configure the Storage nodes
Swift should work on any modern filesystem that supports Extended Attributes (XATTRS). We currently recommend XFS as it demonstrated the best overall performance for the swift use case after considerable testing and benchmarking at Rackspace. It is also the only filesystem that has been thoroughly tested. These instructions assume that you are going to devote /dev/sdb1 to an XFS filesystem.
Install Storage node packages:
apt-get install swift-account swift-container swift-object xfsprogs
For every device on the node, setup the XFS volume (/dev/sdb is used as an example):
fdisk /dev/sdb (set up a single partition) mkfs.xfs -i size=1024 /dev/sdb1 echo "/dev/sdb1 /srv/node/sdb1 xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 0" >> /etc/fstab mkdir -p /srv/node/sdb1 mount /srv/node/sdb1 chown -R swift:swift /srv/node
Create /etc/rsyncd.conf:
cat >/etc/rsyncd.conf <<EOF uid = swift gid = swift log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid address = $STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP [account] max connections = 2 path = /srv/node/ read only = false lock file = /var/lock/account.lock [container] max connections = 2 path = /srv/node/ read only = false lock file = /var/lock/container.lock [object] max connections = 2 path = /srv/node/ read only = false lock file = /var/lock/object.lock EOF
Edit the RSYNC_ENABLE= line in /etc/default/rsync:
perl -pi -e 's/RSYNC_ENABLE=false/RSYNC_ENABLE=true/' /etc/default/rsync
Start rsync daemon:
service rsync start
The rsync daemon requires no authentication, so it should be run on a local, private network.
Create /etc/swift/account-server.conf:
cat >/etc/swift/account-server.conf <<EOF [DEFAULT] bind_ip = $STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP workers = 2 [pipeline:main] pipeline = account-server [app:account-server] use = egg:swift#account [account-replicator] [account-auditor] [account-reaper] EOF
Create /etc/swift/container-server.conf:
cat >/etc/swift/container-server.conf <<EOF [DEFAULT] bind_ip = <STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP> workers = 2 [pipeline:main] pipeline = container-server [app:container-server] use = egg:swift#container [container-replicator] [container-updater] [container-auditor] EOF
Create /etc/swift/object-server.conf:
cat >/etc/swift/object-server.conf <<EOF [DEFAULT] bind_ip = <STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP> workers = 2 [pipeline:main] pipeline = object-server [app:object-server] use = egg:swift#object [object-replicator] [object-updater] [object-auditor] EOF
#. Start the storage services. If you use this command, it will try to start every service for which a configuration file exists, and throw a warning for any configuration files which don't exist:
swift-init all start
Or, if you want to start them one at a time, run them as below. Note that if the server program in question generates any output on its stdout or stderr, swift-init has already redirected the command's output to /dev/null. If you encounter any difficulty, stop the server and run it by hand from the command line. Any server may be started using "swift-$SERVER-$SERVICE /etc/swift/$SERVER-config", where $SERVER might be object, continer, or account, and $SERVICE might be server, replicator, updater, or auditor.:
swift-init object-server start
swift-init object-replicator start
swift-init object-updater start
swift-init object-auditor start
swift-init container-server start
swift-init container-replicator start
swift-init container-updater start
swift-init container-auditor start
swift-init account-server start
swift-init account-replicator start
swift-init account-auditor start
Create Swift admin account and test
You run these commands from the Auth node.
For Swauth, replace the https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 with https://<PROXY_HOSTNAME>:8080/auth/v1.0
Create a user with administrative privileges (account = system, username = root, password = testpass). Make sure to replace
) with whatever super_admin key you assigned in the auth-server.conf file (or proxy-server.conf file in the case of Swauth) above. Note: None of the values of account, username, or password are special - they can be anything.:# For DevAuth: swift-auth-add-user -K devauth -a system root testpass # For Swauth: swauth-add-user -K swauthkey -a system root testpass
Get an X-Storage-Url and X-Auth-Token:
curl -k -v -H 'X-Storage-User: system:root' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: testpass' https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0
Check that you can HEAD the account:
curl -k -v -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token-from-x-auth-token-above>' <url-from-x-storage-url-above>
Check that
works (at this point, expect zero containers, zero objects, and zero bytes):st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass stat
to upload a few files named 'bigfile[1-2].tgz' to a container named 'myfiles':st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass upload myfiles bigfile1.tgz st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass upload myfiles bigfile2.tgz
to download all files from the 'myfiles' container:st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass download myfiles
to save a backup of your builder files to a container named 'builders'. Very important not to lose your builders!:st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass upload builders /etc/swift/*.builder
to list your containers:st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass list
to list the contents of your 'builders' container:st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass list builders
to download all files from the 'builders' container:st -A https://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass download builders
Adding a Proxy Server
For reliability's sake you may want to have more than one proxy server. You can set up the additional proxy node in the same manner that you set up the first proxy node but with additional configuration steps.
Once you have more than two proxies, you also want to load balance between the two, which means your storage endpoint also changes. You can select from different strategies for load balancing. For example, you could use round robin dns, or an actual load balancer (like pound) in front of the two proxies, and point your storage url to the load balancer.
See config-proxy
the initial setup, and then follow these additional steps.
Update the list of memcache servers in /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf for all the added proxy servers. If you run multiple memcache servers, use this pattern for the multiple IP:port listings:, in each proxy server's conf file.:
[filter:cache] use = egg:swift#memcache memcache_servers = <PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP>:11211
Change the default_cluster_url to point to the load balanced url, rather than the first proxy server you created in /etc/swift/auth-server.conf (for DevAuth) or in /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf (for Swauth):
# For DevAuth, in /etc/swift/auth-server.conf [app:auth-server] use = egg:swift#auth default_cluster_url = https://<LOAD_BALANCER_HOSTNAME>/v1 # Highly recommended to change this key to something else! super_admin_key = devauth # For Swauth, in /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf [filter:swauth] use = egg:swift#swauth default_swift_cluster = local#http://<LOAD_BALANCER_HOSTNAME>/v1 # Highly recommended to change this key to something else! super_admin_key = swauthkey
For DevAuth, after you change the default_cluster_url setting, you have to delete the auth database and recreate the Swift users, or manually update the auth database with the correct URL for each account.
For Swauth, you can change a service URL with:
swauth-set-account-service -K swauthkey <account> storage local <new_url_for_the_account>
You can obtain old service URLs with:
swauth-list -K swauthkey <account>
Next, copy all the ring information to all the nodes, including your new proxy nodes, and ensure the ring info gets to all the storage nodes as well.
After you sync all the nodes, make sure the admin has the keys in /etc/swift and the ownership for the ring file is correct.
Additional Cleanup Script for Swauth
If you decide to use Swauth, you'll want to install a cronjob to clean up any orphaned expired tokens. These orphaned tokens can occur when a "stampede" occurs where a single user authenticates several times concurrently. Generally, these orphaned tokens don't pose much of an issue, but it's good to clean them up once a "token life" period (default: 1 day or 86400 seconds).
This should be as simple as adding swauth-cleanup-tokens -K swauthkey > /dev/null to a crontab entry on one of the proxies that is running Swauth; but run swauth-cleanup-tokens with no arguments for detailed help on the options available.
Troubleshooting Notes
If you see problems, look in var/log/syslog (or messages on some distros).
Also, at Rackspace we have seen hints at drive failures by looking at error messages in /var/log/kern.log.
There are more debugging hints and tips in the admin_guide