If the creation of a k8s namespace or pod fails, we will retry. If we attempt to create a namespace or pod with the same name and k8s has not finished deleting the old resource, then it may respond with a 409 error and thwart our attempt to retry. To address this, whatever top-level resource we are creating (usually a namespace except in the case of the openshiftpods driver), append the attempt counter to the end. This results in a unique name for each attempt and avoids collisions. Change-Id: Idc3b1a19857c5fea40c5dfb9a142914857fa2d7a
Nodepool is a system for managing test node resources. It supports launching single-use test nodes from cloud providers as well as managing access to pre-defined pre-existing nodes. Nodepool is part of a suite of tools that form a comprehensive test system, including Zuul.
The latest documentation for Nodepool is published at: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/nodepool/
The latest documentation for Zuul is published at: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/
Getting Help
There are two Zuul-related mailing lists:
- zuul-announce
A low-traffic announcement-only list to which every Zuul operator or power-user should subscribe.
- zuul-discuss
General discussion about Zuul, including questions about how to use it, and future development.
You will also find Zuul developers in the #zuul channel on Freenode IRC.
To browse the latest code, see: https://opendev.org/zuul/nodepool To clone the latest code, use git clone https://opendev.org/zuul/nodepool
Bugs are handled at: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/zuul/nodepool
Code reviews are handled by gerrit at https://review.opendev.org
After creating a Gerrit account, use git review to submit patches. Example:
# Do your commits
$ git review
# Enter your username if prompted
Join #zuul on Freenode to discuss development or usage.
Nodepool is free software, licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.
Python Version Support
Nodepool requires Python 3. It does not support Python 2.