I can't exactly say why, but the horizon postinstall in package.json runs "tox -e npm" [1]. This then installs from requirements [2]. The requirements gate run a cross-horizon-npm job that ends up calling this. The short story is that if you modify upper-constraints.txt in a requirements change, it is not picked up by this job. Add tox_constraints_file to this job, so we can set the path to the zuul checked-out version for the test. [1]e515713084/package.json (L22)
[2]e515713084/tox.ini (L23)
Needed-By: Change-Id: Ia7dd5af19b42c2ab53dfb70f92e184b0dc215d03
15 lines
361 B
15 lines
361 B
Install javascript dependencies needed for a project
**Role Variables**
.. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_work_dir
:default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
The directory to work in.
.. zuul:rolevar:: tox_constraints_file
Path to a pip constraints file. Will set the
``UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE`` environment variable. Useful if npm
``postinstall`` runs tox.